Thursday, 11 March 2021

Black Holes. (And Perhaps White Holes)

 Black holes,

Black holes are called black holes because, well there black. But the name was called "black" because no light can escape it. It's sort of a scientific pund, the color black absorbs all light, not seriously though it's still there but in black holes absorb all light. 

Now you've got the basics now we can start talking about the fun stuff. Now there are these things called neutron stars they come from super massive stars these are old stars they are dissidents from main sequence star. If the becomes a neutron star it will star sniping once every 34^-1 seconds which is as fast as anyone can click (once). now if two neutron stars hit each other they die, and create a sniping black hole. this is because of one simple law stuff that spin don't like to stop. Humans can input power and create an output of this power would be about 10^9 times more powerful than the input, in a dying universe this would be one of the last sources we would have .

The anatomy of Black holes,

The out side of black holes is called the event horizon, anything that goes past the event horizon can not come back. The reason for this is because black holes suck things in at varying speeds through out the black hole the horizon point goes as fast as the speed of light that is why it is the point of no return. This is different with spinning black holes, the edge of a spinning black hole is called a vortex it is basically living hell; it will make you spin around as fast as a neutron star. it is possible to escape the vortex because if you were floating against it you would probably fall into it. If you were smart you could float with coming out with a boost (which comes back to that point I made about power output)

inside the black hole we don't fully know what happens you would die quickly or slowly. we know that there is a singularity inside the black hole.

There is a type of worm hole that could lead to a white hole. These worm holes are called Einstein "Rosen" bridges, they are the theory that at the other side of a black hole it leads to a another world or multi-verse. But the problem with this is the distance between the black hole and white hole is infinite so you would die.

Fun facts: If you grid the gravity of a white hole you get a grid fractal. You can simulate what would happen if a white hole and a black hole met by using you sink (the drain and the tap). The black hole in the center of the galaxy (Sagittarius A) is a super black hole that is as heavy as 1,428,707,500,000,000,000,000,000 (1.4 Octillion) African bush elephants!

Blog you later.


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Demetrius,
      Um thanks for your Comment?
      Blog you later, Caleb

  2. Hello My name Is Anonymous. This is very informative and interesting. Maybe next time go through your post and check if it makes any sense. Where did you find this information?
    Blog U Later, Anonymous

    1. Hello Anonymous,
      I found all of this information in multiple places. the first one was Wikipedia, Next brilliant and B.B.C.
      Blog you later, Caleb.

  3. Hey Caleb your post is very awesome and brilliant I think if you keep learning you might get to be a scientist or a engineer
    I have a question what do you think you want to be when you grow up

    1. Hello DeLovely,
      Thank you for the feedback. When I am older I would like to be a mathematician rather than a scientist or a engineer.
      Blog you later, Caleb


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